Find the high-flyers with analytics

Employee data to develop leadership and employee experience

To support success

The importance of people analytics as part of strategic business management is constantly increasing. At MPS, we help your organization utilize data and analytics to find the best experts and to develop better employee experience and leadership.

Jonathan & Jan, our recruitment and research specialists, will tell you more

Jonathan Rasmus ja Jan Silvonen
Recruitment & Research services

Utilize employee data and analytics

We can promote the success of an individual and an organization by combining and utilizing the diverse employee data accumulated in the organizations. Those individuals whose skills, goals, motivation, and way of working fit well with the team and organizational culture thrive in the organization. At MPS, we utilize employee data analytics, especially in recruitment and personal assessment services, but also in leadership development and, of course, research. Employee data analytics is an excellent way to develop employee experience

Add accuracy to recruitment with data

Your organization can more accurately identify the profile of the recruiter by utilizing employee data and analytics. For example, these are used to map out which profile is best suited to the team and task in question, and to the culture of your organization. The data is used to identify which recruitment channels and means should be used to find candidates that match the profile. Systematic collection and analysis of employee data will also help identify those who would succeed in the task within the company. In the MPS recruitment services, we utilize employee data extensively, for example, in our Advertised Search and Search services, in combination with personal evaluations to identify the best expert.

Employee data to develop leadership

Comprehensive utilization of employee data can also help to identify and guide leadership development. Data and analytics allow you to find out what kind of personal profiles your organization has and what kind of culture and leadership they value. Here, our research services are at the heart of employee data, as, for example, data collected from employee and cultural surveys, as well as 360 assessments, provide a foundation for essential knowledge of the organization’s culture, practices and teams.

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Contact us

Jonathan Rasmus
Jonathan Rasmus +358 20 746 9481