Marcus Herold and Päivi Montgomery were awarded at the 2023 Rekrygaala

The best actions and professionals in the recruitment industry were awarded on November 2, 2023 at the Rekrygaala. MPS founder and chairman of the board Marcus Herold and psychologist and consultant Päivi Montgomery were among this year's awardees.

Recruitment Lifetime Achievement Award for Marcus Herold

The Recruitment Lifetime Achievement Award was given for the first time and it is awarded as respect and thanks to a person who has made a significant and extensive career in recruitment. The award went to Marcus Herold, founder and chairman of the board of MPS. The award jury said that Marcus has shown exceptional pioneering and long-term development in his work and has left his mark on the entire recruitment industry.

Marcus Herold founded MPS in 1975 together with partner Thomas GrosJean. An almost 50-year career in recruitment and personnel evaluations still continues - Marcus still conducts direct recruitment of senior management and board members.

More than 150 experts in Espoo, Turku, Tampere, Kuopio, Vaasa and Oulu work in recruitment, management and competence development in MPS Enterprises.

Päivi Montgomery is the Recruitment Industry Developer of 2023

Päivi Montgomery is a psychologist, career counselor and consultant who was awarded for the work she has done to develop the industry, with which she has promoted equality in recruitment and the diversity of working life.

After becoming seriously ill, Päivi Montgomery has worked part-time herself and had to create her working life in a new way. The jury thanked Päivi not only for her recruitment expertise, but also for promoting the status of minority groups in recruitment and working life.

Päivi Montgomery has also written a book called Työnhaun psykologia, which also contains tips for job hunting for disabled people and foreign language speakers.

Warm congratulations Marcus and Päivi!

Read more on Duunitori's website (articles only available in Finnish):

Marcus Herold sai Rekrytoinnin elämäntyöpalkinnon – vaikuttava 50 vuoden ura: ”Intohimo työtä ja koko alaa kohtaan näkyy”

Päivi Montgomery palkittiin Vuoden rekrytointialan kehittäjänä – ”Näyttää esimerkkiä koko toimialalle”

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